tutor information
The Rise Program is an afterschool math and science-focused tutoring program serving public schools students. The Caltech Y has been administering the program since 2006 and the program has been successful at helping students who struggle with math and science. The tutoring is provided by Caltech undergraduate and graduate students. Undergraduate students can use their Federal and Caltech Work-Study allotment to get paid for the tutoring. Tutoring is offered in-person and online.
Tutoring Schedule:
The Rise Program is offered 4 days a week, Mondays through Thursdays from 4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. Tutors select their preferred day. Schedule changes can be accommodated.
Tutoring takes place in the Hameetman Student Center on Caltech's Campus, at John Muir High School,
and online.
Tutor Resources:
All tutors must attend a mandatory orientation meeting before tutoring in a Caltech Y Program. Ongoing tutor training will be provided throughout the year. Here are some additional resources for tutors: